Monday, November 30, 2009

kalau memang sudah waktunya, biarlah dunia ini dibumi-ratakan

karena dunia ini sudah terlalu maya untuk dijalani

segala yang nyata menjadi asing di telinga

aku ingin matiku cepat. aku ingin mati muda.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Palsu di Indonesia udah biasa banget. Mulai dari duit palsu, telor palsu, beras palsu, sampe cinta palsu juga ada. Nah yang pengen gw bahas adalah, akhir-akhir ini gw sering banget menemukan botol minum kemasan dengan merk TERPERCAYA ternyata eh ternyata palsu aja gitu.
Gw bingung kenapa sih air minum aja dipalsuin. Kita sendiri gatau kan apa sebetulnya kandungan air itu. Cuma gw salah satu orang yang sensitif masalah air minum. Ciri-ciri si botol minum kemasan ini palsu adalah :
1. Biasanya botolnya udah lecet-lecet kaya ada baretan putih gitu.
Harus diperiksa dengan teliti,kalo sekilas ga keliatan.
2. Air minumnya kalo ga berasa, berbau. Baunya kaya obat gitu atau bau kaporit kolam renang
3. Isinya pas dibuka penuh banget. Kalo yang asli biasanya ga penuh tapi ada sedikit space gitu.

Jadi berhati-hatilah kawan kalo mau beli botol minum kemasan khususnya di warung-warung pinggir jalan, apalagi di ember-ember yang suka dijajakan penjual gitu. Patut dicurigai banget. Kasian juga sih gw sebenernya sama mereka. mungkin mereka beli dari distributor yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Mungkin mereka dapet harga lebih murah, tapi ternyata kualitas kaya gitu. Ckckck. Padahal tadinya gw pengen ga beli barang-barang di supermarket2 besar tapi ke warung aja biar bisa memajukan usaha-usaha kecil. Sayangnya mereka kurang begitu memperhatikan produk yang mereka jual. Ya mudah-mudahan hal ini bakal ada solusinya ya.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Ku Klux Klan
Justice never exist
Life always seems to be unfair
they're always a gap
between the rich and the poor
the beauty and the beast
the cool and the geek
the white and the black
even our destiny made by someone else
how life could be unfair?

The cops, the minister,prosecutor
Our beloved parents, sister, brother
or could be our loyal friends,
don't you think they were being polite to you?
do they act fair enough for you?

Goddamn justice, i don't fucking believe it
Justice are heaven's stuff, world's don't

Monday, November 16, 2009



I don't even know what language it was.
what's that mean? why do i text it?
It just happen to be.
it convenience me.

i have no idea why it always there?
it keeps fill the atmosphere i breath
no need to eluded

just like you

and sometimes,
i feel like i want to cut my heart out
this repeated sounds,
surrounding in my ear

and when it finally stop
it kills me

Monday, November 9, 2009

The trigger has gone

If you find yourself here on my side of town
I'd pray that you'd come to my door

Talk to me like you don't know what we ever fought about
Cause I don't remember anymore
I just know that he warms my heart
And knows what all my imperfections are

And he said that I was the brightest little firefly in her jar
And I just know that he warms my heart
And knows what all my imperfections are

And he says that i am the brightest little firefly in her jar

"there is no reason i should keep the fireworks stay
when the night doesn't need lights anymore..."